Ritmo Nativo

Club Paral·lel 62. Avinguda del Paral·lel, 62 - Veure mapa
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Organitzat per Ritmo Nativo
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⤀ Ritmo Nativo ⬴  

Date: Saturday, January 18th, 22:30 - 03:00h

Location: Club Paral·lel 62

We welcome this new year with a fresh gathering, where we’ll vibe to the rhythm of the music from our resident DJs, kicking off the year with the best energy.

In addition to the incredible music, you'll experience visual art, artesanal market, and active meditation. Immerse yourself in a night of art and enchantment, and don’t miss out on an evening that will awaken your senses and elevate your spirit!

Line up:

Sonikgroove: is a music producer, sound designer, and DJ. In his sets, he transcends boundaries, taking listeners on an unpredictable journey around the world with his delicate way of linking cultures through music. Playing with a wide and colorful variety of genres, he spontaneously transforms the dance floor into a vibrant celebration.

Spotify    SoundCloud

PaloSanto: is an intrepid explorer of the vast spectrum of world music, delving into its diverse electronic facets. Based in Barcelona and founder of the label "Mamboz Records", he's curator and resident Dj at "La Tropicalera", Valencia, and "Ritmo Nativo", Barcelona. In his sets, he intricately melds traditional, ethnic, and folk melodies from around the globe with pulsating electronic rhythms, crafting an immersive sonic experience.


Govii Cardinni: Is a multidisciplinary artist based in Barcelona. His video mapping projects complement the DJ by generating an audiovisual experience. As a source of inspiration he draws on sacred geometries, astral travel and symbiosis with exquisite organic forms. His particular worldview makes his style a spectacle of color and hypnotizing forms that transport the viewer to dreamlike landscapes.


Política d'accés

En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.



Ambiente lleno de magia
Excelente música, ambiente y energía. Ritmos ancestrales con house que generan un ambiente lleno de energía positiva. Me encantó la energía femenina que hubo. Repito seguro
Paola Va assistir el 19/01/2025
Hermosa fiesta
Música y energía increíble! Ambiente muy respetuoso y divertido!
Andrea Va assistir el 19/01/2025
Mucho potencial sin explotar
Holaa, La música me gustó mucho. El sitio necesitaba más detalles. No había guardarropas . La iluminación pésima incluso las imagines… No vale 15 euros . Los pagaría sin problema si fuera más detallista y cuidado el Sitio!
Anit Va assistir el 19/01/2025
Buscar Sitios más grandes y hacerla más seguido.
Francesca Va assistir el 19/01/2025
More Native and less electronic
El último DJ ya nos pareció muy agresivo y super electrónico, cuando lo que buscamos es más Folktronica, para poder conectarnos con la naturaleza y el cuerpo a través de la música
Alexandra Va assistir el 19/01/2025
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