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KISSROUGE productions

<<welcome to KISSROUGE >> A totally different experience at night in Barcelona , with international level artists, who will take you to enjoy a fabulous moment . sensuality, sexuality and fun. all in one show!... ❌️ Do you know how far a kiss can go? ❌️ ◇opening; Saturday APRIL 6 ◇show; 21:30hs ◇for him, her and them ◇where; @imperialbarcelona ◇ Aribau 46,Barcelona ◇for members only (you can request your QR) See you very soon for this new fantasy

<<welcome to KISSROUGE >> A totally different experience at night in Barcelona , with international level artists, who will take you to enjoy a fabulous moment . sensuality, sexuality and fun. all in one show!... ❌️ Do you know how far a kiss can go? ❌️ ◇opening; Saturday APRIL 6 ◇show; 21:30hs ◇for him, her and them ◇where; @imperialbarcelona ◇ Aribau 46,Barcelona ◇for members only (you can request your QR) See you very soon for this new fantasy

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